Ellisras/Lephalae is situated about 2760 foot above sea level. South Africa’s seasons are just the opposite of the USA .
Southern Africa can be divided mainly into summer ( November – February ) winter ( May – August) with average temperatures in summer from 15°C (60°F) to 47°C (120°F) and in winter from -1°C (30°F) to 25°C (77°F).
We are in a summer rainfall area with normal rainfalls from mid November to March the following year. The rain is normally in the form of thunder showers and does not affect the hunting much. Wintertime (May to mid August) hunting is done in lovely days and chilly nights. SPF sunscreen or higher can be used in daytime hunting, even during our wintertime.

Below is a rough guide of our temperatures:
Months: March – April, Limpopo: 60 – 90, Northern Cape: 50 – 80
Months: May – June, Limpopo: 50 – 80, Northern Cape: 40 – 70
July is the coldest 40 – 70 and then it warms up from mid August onwards.